Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm quiet.

I am a quiet person. I don't talk much, okay? It's just who I am. Some people talk a lot, some don't. We were brought up differently, we have different genes. Get over it. And what I cannot, absolutely stand is when people say stuff like, "You're so quiet!" Like, I didn't know? I know that I'm quiet. You don't have to point out the obvious to me. That's like if I said, "You're wearing a blue shirt!" or "Hey, that bird over there is flying." Imagine having someone say stupid shit like that to you at least ten times a day. It starts to wear on you. At least include some sort of insight in that observation. Like, "Hey, you may be quiet but sometimes when you talk, you can be really loud." Something that'll make a statement worth mentioning. That's partly why I don't talk a lot. A lot of the random crap people say out loud is so unnecessary and redundant that it's not even worth the energy of saying aloud. Also, I'm one of those people that when I want to say something witty or funny or something, it'll ALWAYS sound awkward. IDK why. But it always does. I'm that person in your class that whenever they raise their hand, you internally cringe because you know it'll result in oodles of second-hand embarassment for everyone in the room. That's why I keep it shut.

It's also a huge part in my gravitating towards the written word. I can be eloquent, funny, witty, whatever I want without having to stress about how I sound out loud. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't write. I'd probably be in a mental institution somewhere. Drooling. Playing Connect Four with Hurley. Actually, that doesn't sound too bad. Hm...

There was something else I wanted to mention. But I forgot. I should just have a tiny notebook in my pocket at ALL TIMES so that I could jot my ideas down. Before you jump up and point out the obvious, let me just say that no, I don't have those fancy schmancy phones and I'm not too good with typing on a cell. Like, at all. So that wouldn't work. Plus, my phone sucks. I could get a better a phone. But a tiny memo pad is much, much cheaper. And more romantic. I can just see myself. Standing on the bus, I get an idea, I pull out my tiny notepad and my tiny pencil and jot something down. And everyone around me is thinking, "I wonder what she just wrote." See? I already got 'em hooked.

I still have no idea what I originally wanted to say. Maybe I should buy that pad sooner rather than later?

BTW, I was thinking of going to the bookstore tomorrow to get some more books but I can only buy two and I have NO IDEA which ones to settle on. Here are the options:

1. Rich and Mad by William Nicholson - A realistic (maybe?) look at teenage sexuality. I know, it sounds juicy to me too.

2. Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford - Three sisters are threatened of being cut off by their grandmother if they don't confess to their secrets. Or something like that. It's intriguing.

3. Zombies Vs Unicorns: an anthology by various awesome authors - Yeah, I think the title is self-explanatory. I mainly was sold on this because of the INCREDIBLE cover. Check it out next time you're at a bookstore.

There are many more that I want to get but these three are at the top of my list. Which one do you think I should get? I'm so indecisive, I'll probably spend three hours at the store just staring at these three books and making pro/con lists in my head. Yeah, I'm THAT pathetic.

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