Friday, July 23, 2010

Some New Things

Like the new layout? I do! I guess it's kind of a given that I like it though considering I'm the one who picked it out. ANYWAY. I figured it was time to revamp this blog and get to be more active on it. I'm working on that, by the way--being more active in all aspects of my life. Let me fill you in on the progress I've made from being permanently glued to my bed to being on the go.

First and foremost, I got a new job. It's literally walking distance from my house and all my coworkers/managers are super nice and friendly. So that's a plus. They seem to like me too and I'm just liking the fast-paced environment and stuff. So, that's all positive. Oh and I'm getting nice paychecks again which is probably the BEST thing ever.

Next, I started my summer classes which haven't been going as well as the new job but they're still pretty okay. The thing that sucks about these classes is that they're about four hours long so I get off at 9:30 PM and have to wait outside for twenty minutes for the bus to take me ALL the way across campus to where my car is parked because our school's parking arrangements SUCK. The class, itself, isn't too bad...but it could be better.

Thirdly, I'm just trying harder to get my goals and values and "things that are actually important" list sorted out. I think it's really good for me to think about stuff like my future and what I want to do with my life with an open mind and not be petrified at the thought of it. Shows that I'm going in the right direction, right?

I also have a brand new obsession in my life. Have any of heard of a small, relatively unknown TV show called LOST? I know, I hadn't heard of it before either! (Cue the sarcastically deaf folk). Anyway, I've put away four seasons thus far and I have two more to go. I'm trying to savor them and not fly right through them because once it's over, I'm going to be oh-so-sad. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I just hopped on the bandwagon since Lost just ended and it's been everywhere lately.'re right. I did just hop on because I've been hearing about it EVERYWHERE and someone told me the concept of the show and I thought it sounded cool so I saw if hulu had some episodes up and they had ALL SIX SEASONS up so I thought, why not? Anyway, I usually like getting on things AFTER they've ended or after their hype has died down. I don't know why. I just do.

Okay, so my sister just told me to "Go wash your feet. NOW!" I'm flipping her off in my mind right now. HAHA. And ignoring her. And now she just slammed the door on me. Well. Some things in life improve and change but not EVERYTHING can. Small steps, baby. Small steps.

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