Friday, August 6, 2010

Why is 2 AM so popular?

Ever notice how almost every song/movie/show, whenever referencing some really late night hour, they almost always randomly say 2 AM? I don't know why. It's never 3 AM or 1 AM. It's always 2 AM. I guess it's just one of those weird things people do without even noticing that they're doing it.

I don't really have a plan for this particular blog post. Usually I try and think about a topic that I want to discuss before I actually start writing something. But right now, I'm just writing for the sake of writing. So...stick around, this could get interesting.

An update on what I'm reading? It's called The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty. I haven't gotten too far into it (about 70 pages) but it's pretty good so far. I just haven't gotten the time to read. I've been working. And when I'm not working, I'm usually at school. And if, by some miracle, I'm not doing EITHER of those things, I'm getting caught up on other chores/errands around the house. OR, when I get really lucky, I'm out with friends or my sister trying to enjoy the summer days before they end. I really need to move reading up on my list of priorities though--that is, if I still want to be a writer (which I do).

Let's see what else I can talk about...

Um....uh...I saw a frog today? Outside my house, when I came back from work. Let me set the scene: I'm opening the front door and I look down at my feet and there it is in all it's grossness. So, of course I jump about twelve feet in the air (not really) and quickly descend my steps and run back to my car (this part is true). And, as I'm sitting there, being kept outside of my own house by a two-inch frog, I contemplate the hilariousness of the situation. So, instead of kicking myself metaphorically for the absolute retardedness of my actions, I laugh at them. Which, I have to admit, is a MUCH better way of handling these kinds of things. Laugh and it'll be easier to let go later on. You won't be stuck sitting wide awake at 3 AM (AHA not 2 AM!) and wondering why you're such a wuss. Anyway, eventually my sister (my YOUNGER sister, I might add), got home from the movies and let me into the house and we (actually, SHE) shooed the frog away. Yeah, I needed to be saved by my sixteen year old sister. Life is funny, isn't it?

Also. Frogs are gross-looking. Just saying.

Hm...anything else? Nope. I should probably get to bed now since I have to be up for work tomorrow...and the cycle continues. :)

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