Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm free!

Tonight was the last night of my imprisonment. No, really. I have been freed from the tortures of summer classes. Never again am I going to partake in such mind-numbing activities such as that.

Okay, okay. I'm exaggerating. It wasn't so bad. And I might take summer classes again depending on the circumstances. I'm actually pretty glad I did it; I learned a lot more from this class than I would have if I had taken it during the school year. I mean, I actually paid attention in class and knew what the answers on the quizzes were without even studying for them. I also enjoyed doing a lot of the discussions and papers and writeups. Mostly because I felt I genuinely wanted to know more. Maybe summer classes aren't a bad thing at all. Maybe the beauty of summer can extend itself into the school setting where I'll WANT to go out and drive through the sunshine-dripped roads and walk to class with the birds chirping and butterflies flying about....or not. But, no, seriously, my class went pretty well. That's all I'm trying to say.

So, now I guess I have about twelve days to chill out and just do...whatever I want. Like, reading?! You bet. I did get some good books from the library this past weekend. One is called Dramarama by E. Lockhart. It's about these two friends that go to summer drama camp and get up to some shenanigans. The other one is called House of Dark Shadows which is basically about a creepy old house. I'll let you know how those books turn out.

Anyway. Something weird happened to me the other night. I was walking to my car after my class ended and it was pretty dark and deserted on campus. But, from a distance I could see that there was this lone deer on the grass very near to where my car was parked. Now, I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I am deathly afraid of all animals big and small. The smaller they are, the worse my fear gets, actually. But deer are still pretty scary along with anything that breathes and...moves. I mean, it took me twenty years to get used to being around human beings. Anyway, the deer looks up when it sees me approaching and then it runs to a farther part of the parking lot where I guess his other deer friend is standing and they both just watch me briskly walk past them to my car. I suppose this just made me and happy? in a way? I just felt so...reassured that these animals weren't going to hurt me. They were actually just as terrified of me as I was of them and that made me feel this weird kinship and compassion for them. Poor, innocent deer. I hope they stay safe and away from the roads...

Man, this blog is exciting. So far I've talked to you about the wonders of summer courses and innocent deer. Hot stuff, I tell ya. You won't get material like this anywhere else.

On a different note, my mom is finally coming home from her 2 month long vacay on Tuesday. I am kind of...nervous about it. I hate meeting people when they've been away. I feel like they become all new people and I have to re-introduce myself to them and that just feels awkward because they already know me and I already know them. I don't know. I feel like I'm not making sense. I have no idea what to write about anymore so I guess I'll just leave you with a funny anecdote...

At work this past week, we were unloading a bunch of new shipments and there are these apparently wildly popular toys that are called "Zhu Zhu" pets? Basically, they're cartoon hamsters that kids like playing with and having lunch boxes of? I don't know, the toy world comes up with weird things: like rubber bands in the shape of animals that you wear around your wrist. I mean, really? What the hell is that about? Anyway, getting back to the hamsters, there was this one lunch box with the zhu zhu pets on them and my coworker holds it up and says, "Sara, what's wrong with this picture?" And I stare at it for about ten seconds silently and then we all just start cracking up...because the picture on the lunch box was upside down. I guess someone fell asleep at work on the assembly line in Japan!

Yes, we are very easily amused at my job. Very easily.

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