Friday, August 13, 2010

New Books and the P word...

Notice how my blogging activity increases as soon as I have papers to write, presentations to do, quizzes to study for. Well, I guess that's what college is all about, right? I really wouldn't know actually. I feel like I'm floating through college. Like, I'm not really IMMERSED in it but just floating above it and observing it from higher ground. I don't particularly want to come down from here, either. I like my bubble.

I have like a ten dollar fine at my library. It's so stupid because I was just a DAY late with the dvds but since there were five of them...I have to pay ten bucks. It doesn't seem like much but when you have a limited supply of money in your hands, ten bucks is a hell of a lot. Especially for things like late overdue library books. I mean, really? How lame could I get? Why can't I be a normal young person and pay fines for speeding or something?

I've been having a pretty horrible week. Yesterday, I was especially sad and down so I decided to treat myself for no reason...just to make myself feel better. So, I got in the car and drove guessed it: Borders. God, I love that place. And I bought myself about four new books. It was great. But, unfortunately, I won't be able to read them any time soon. First of all, I have a bunch of crap to deal with before I can do any recreational reading. And, second of all, I have many, many OTHER books that I bought and have been neglecting to read. So, I must read those before I can read my shiny, new books.

The books I got are:

Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott: I believe it's about an eighteen year old girl who has been a thief her whole life along with her mother. But, I think she's had enough of the criminal life and wants to break free from the clutches of her mother's occupation. It sounds completely different from any other Elizabeth Scott book I've read. Which is not unusual because almost every single one of her books is different and unique. Just one of the things that makes her a great writer.

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa: Okay. I don't usually like "faery" books. It just doesn't appeal to me very much. But this book came highly recommended and my library didn't have it and the cover was pretty so I thought, what the hell. It's basically about this girl whose father went missing when she was six (don't know why this is relevant but it's mentioned in the back of the book so it must be important) and she grows up and then her brother is kidnapped or something. And she has to save him but she lands herself in the midst of faeries in the process. Oh, and she gets the hots for the sexy/cold faery prince. Of course. It just sounds like one of those books. But, it's pretty and I'm willing to give it a chance.

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson: This book sounds fairly Sarah Dessenesque. It's about a girl who is dealing with the death of her older sister. I suppose it's just about grief and living in the shadow of an older sibling your whole life and then dealing with them not being there anymore. It's more interesting than that though. Apparently the girl starts bonding with her dead sister's boyfriend who shares her sadness and understands her sorrow. But, she also starts having a thing for the new kid in school who just makes her incredibly happy and allows her to forget about her grief. So, I guess it's some kind of crazy, complicated love triangle. Again, this book came highly recommended so I can't wait to read it.

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce: This is probably the most interesting book of the bunch. It's basically a modern retelling of the classic "Little Red Riding Hood" except with a crazy new angle. I guess it's about two sisters who hunt the wolves that are trying to kill them. I don't really know much more than that...the synopsis of the book was pretty cryptic. But, it says that one of the sisters falls in love with the hot woodsman that lives next door. Really curious to see how it'll all play out.

...And that's it. Like I said before, if I have a limited supply of money, why am I spending so much on new books? Because I am an idiot. That's why.

I guess I have to go work on my school stuff now. Or maybe I can postpone it to later? Like, I can probably start it at around 5...that won't be too bad, right? Yeah, I think I'll start it at 5.

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