Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guess who's back?

Yes, I'm still alive. I know I've been on a pretty LONG hiatus and I kind of don't have any excuse for that other than I'm lazy and I was basically trying to milk every moment of my winter break and put it towards resting. So, I did that and now I'm back at school and ready to procrastinate my life away on this blog. I have to be honest and say that I actually didn't read as much on break as I expected to. But ever since I got back to school (it's been about a week), I've already finished three books. I guess I read better under pressure. I'm still keeping track of everything I read this year just like I've been doing for the past two years but I don't think I'm going to partake in any challenges. I think I'm just going to read without deadlines this year because, I don't know, I think that's more fun for me.

What you can expect in 2011 from me is probably more of the same stuff but just...MORE of it. I'm trying to be better about writing in general and not just this blog. But this blog is a part of my writing "exercises" or "experiences" and I really want to make it more regular and frequent along with everything else. I'm also going to do my reviews a bit differently. I'm going to try and CUT as much synopsis as I possibly can because I honestly don't like writing up my own summaries and I know that, as a reader, I don't enjoy sitting through other people's summaries either. Instead, I'm going to concentrate more on what I think and really get to the heart of the review. Sometimes it'll be a jumbled mess but maybe, once in a while it'll turn out to be pretty organized and well thought out, who knows? What I CAN promise is that it'll be completely honest. A hundred percent my own opinion of the book.

So, I'll get to the review I was typing up and look out for my book list of 2010 (I know I'm late). Oh and if you don't already, you should follow me on goodreads because I update that WAY before anything else: http://www.goodreads.com/ribsdafrog. AND since I didn't say it before, I hope all of you had wonderful holidays/breaks and hope you have an even better year ahead. 

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